A unique collaboration between GW Emergency Medicine & Family Medicine, the Health Equity section focuses on educational, research, clinical and community activities that support the highest level of health for all people. In doing so, the group considers social factors that contribute strongly to health and well being. These social factors are many and include socioeconomic status, safety/violence, education, and housing, to name a few. Faculty, residents, students, nurses, case mangament, are all collaborators in the section. Learn more about our work by reviewing our faculty profiles. Learn more about our fellowship program here.
Health Equity Faculty

Associate Program Director, Residency
Co-Chief, Section of Health Equity and Social Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management (Secondary)

Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management (Secondary)

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership (Secondary)

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Chief, Section of Family Medicine
Co-chief, Section of Health Equity
Associate Professor

Associate Professor
Co-Director, Health Policy Fellowship
Associate Professor
Below is a list of recent contributions a full list of emergency medicine faculty publications can be found here.
Submissions from 2023
A Clinical Approach to an Unidentified Aerosolized Bioterrorism Agent; A Narrative Review for Emergency Providers, Rashed Alremeithi, Natalie Sullivan, Hannah Checkeye, Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, and Ali Pourmand
Comments on "Economic Evaluation of Ultrasound-guided Central Venous Catheter Confirmation vs Chest Radiography in Critically Ill Patients: A Labor Cost Model", Samuel Austin, Quincy K. Tran, Ali Pourmand, Ann Matta, and Daniel Haase
Navigating Personal Health Crises, Imposter Syndrome, Sexual Harassment, Clinical Mistakes, and Leadership Challenges: Lessons for Work-Life Wellness in Academic Medicine: Part 3 of 3, Paul Barach, Rami Ahmed, Gaurava Agarwal, Kristine Olson, Julie Welch, Kimberly Chernoby, Christine L. Hein, Tanya Anand, Bellal Joseph, Donald L. Rosenstein, Sylk Sotto-Santiago, Jane Hartsock, Emily Holmes, Kristen Schroeder, and Jennifer L. Hartwell
Observational study of organisational responses of 17 US hospitals over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Esther K. Choo, Matthew Strehlow, Marina Del Rios, Evrim Oral, Ruth Pobee, Andrew Nugent, Stephen Lim, Christian Hext, Sarah Newhall, Diana Ko, Srihari V. Chari, Amy Wilson, Joshua J. Baugh, David Callaway, Mucio Kit Delgado, Zoe Glick, Christian J. Graulty, Nicholas Hall, Abdusebur Jemal, Madhav Kc, Aditya Mahadevan, Milap Mehta, Andrew C. Meltzer, Dar'ya Pozhidayeva, Daniel Resnick-Ault, Christian Schulz, Sam Shen, Lauren Southerland, Daniel Du Pont, and Danielle M. McCarthy
Contribution of 15 Years (2007-2022) of Indo-US Training Partnerships to the Emergency Physician Workforce Capacity in India, Joseph D. Ciano, Katherine Douglass, Kevin J. Davey, Shweta Gidwani, Ankur Verma, Sanjay Jaiswal, and John Acerra
Approach to anisocoria in the emergency department, Kellan Clausen, Steven Davis, and Ali Pourmand
Approach to anisocoria in the emergency department, Kellan Clausen, Steven Davis, and Ali Pourmand
Prevalence of peri-intubation major adverse events among critically ill patients: A systematic review and meta analysis, Jessica Downing, Isha Yardi, Christine Ren, Stephanie Cardona, Manahel Zahid, Kaitlyn Tang, Vera Bzhilyanskaya, Priya Patel, Ali Pourmand, and Quincy K. Tran
Thrombolytics in Cardiac Arrest from Pulmonary Embolism: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis, Jordan Feltes, Margarita Popova, Yasir Hussein, Ayal Pierce, and David Yamane
Safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of the chimpanzee adenovirus type 3-vectored Marburg virus (cAd3-Marburg) vaccine in healthy adults in the USA: a first-in-human, phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation trial, Melinda J. Hamer, Katherine V. Houser, Amelia R. Hofstetter, Ana M. Ortega-Villa, Christine Lee, Anne Preston, Brooke Augustine, Charla Andrews, Galina V. Yamshchikov, Somia Hickman, Steven Schech, Jack N. Hutter, Paul T. Scott, Paige E. Waterman, Mihret F. Amare, Victoria Kioko, Casey Storme, Kayvon Modjarrad, Melanie D. McCauley, Merlin L. Robb, Martin R. Gaudinski, Ingelise J. Gordon, LaSonji A. Holman, Alicia T. Widge, Larisa Strom, Myra Happe, Josephine H. Cox, Sandra Vazquez, Daphne A. Stanley, Tamar Murray, Caitlyn N. Dulan, and Ruth Hunegnaw
Pediatric and Adolescent Obstetric and Gynecologic Encounters in US Emergency Departments: A Cross-Sectional Study, Kirsten Jay Hartwick Das, Colton Hood, Adam Rutenberg, and Veronica Gomez Lobo
Literature Review of Sex Differences in mTBI, Nicole Haynes and Tress Goodwin
Haboob Dust Storms and Motor Vehicle Collision-related Trauma in Phoenix, Arizona, Michael B. Henry, Michael Mozer, Jerome J. Rogich, Kyle Farrell, Jonathan W. Sachs, Jordan Selzer, Vatsal Chikani, Gail Bradley, and Geoff Comp
Data and Disasters: Essential Information Needed for All Healthcare Threats, John L. Hick, Eric S. Toner, Dan Hanfling, Paul D. Biddinger, and James V. Lawler
A case report of point-of-care ultrasound directed thrombectomy: a reversible cause of cardiac arrest managed with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cannulation, Megan Hoffer, Salim Aziz, Keith Boniface, Jenna E. Aziz, and Ali Pourmand
Adjunctive Therapeutics in the Management of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Narrative Literature Review, Megan Hoffer, Robert C. Pena, Quincy K. Tran, and Ali Pourmand
Trend of Outcome Metrics in Recent Out-of-Hospital-Cardiac-Arrest Research: A Narrative Review of Clinical Trials, Natalie N. Htet, Daniel Jafari, Jennifer A. Walker, Ali Pourmand, Anna Shaw, Khai Dinh, and Quincy K. Tran
An alternate explanation for the 2023 Match: Emergency medicine physicians endure repeated workplace moral distress and our students are watching, Breanne B. Jacobs
Database derived from an electronic medical record-based surveillance network of US emergency department patients with acute respiratory illness, Jeffrey A. Kline, Brian Reed, Alex Frost, Naomi Alanis, Meylakh Barshay, Andrew Melzer, James W. Galbraith, Alicia Budd, Amber Winn, Eugene Pun, and Carlos A. Camargo
Evolution of conflict management style during first year of paediatric residency, John Kulesa, Enrique Escalante, Nils Olsen, and Raymond Lucas
Letter to the editor: "Etomidate as an induction agent for endotracheal intubation in critically ill patients: A meta-analysis of randomized trials", Cassidy Lavin, Quincy K. Tran, Jessica Downing, and Ali Pourmand
Application of Technology in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, a Narrative Review, Catherine V. Levitt, Kirsten Boone, Quincy K. Tran, and Ali Pourmand
In-center hemodialysis unit patient experience with telehealth, Susie Q. Lew, Gurleen Kaur, Neal Sikka, and Kevin F. Erickson
Biliary colic in the emergency department: A state-wide analysis of one-year costs and clinical outcomes, Michael Makutonin, Ali Moghatederi, Sophia Newton, Yan Ma, and Andrew C. Meltzer
Diagnostic accuracy of novel mRNA blood biomarkers of infection to predict outcomes in emergency department patients with undifferentiated abdominal pain, Andrew C. Meltzer, Richard S. Wargowsky, Seamus Moran, Tristan Jordan, Ian Toma, Tisha Jepson, Shiyu Shu, Yan Ma, and Timothy A. McCaffrey
The Cost Shifting Economics of United States Emergency Department Professional Services (2016-2019), Jesse M. Pines, Mark S. Zocchi, Bernard S. Black, Brendan G. Carr, Pablo Celedon, Alexander T. Janke, Ali Moghtaderi, Jonathan J. Oskvarek, Arjun K. Venkatesh, and Arvind Venkat
Evaluation of phenobarbital based approach in treating patient with alcohol withdrawal syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Ali Pourmand, Rashed AlRemeithi, Susan Kartiko, David Bronstein, and Quincy K. Tran
Cyclobenzaprine utilization for musculoskeletal back pain, analysis of 2007-2019 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Data, Ali Pourmand, Rashed AlRemeithi, Santiago Martinez, Cody Couperus, Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, Jerry Yang, and Quincy K. Tran
Comparison of Six Scoring Systems for Predicting In-hospital Mortality among Patients with SARS-COV2 Presenting to the Emergency Department, Zahra Rahmatinejad, Benyamin Hoseini, Hamidreza Reihani, Ameen Abu Hanna, Ali Pourmand, Seyyed Mohammad Tabatabaei, Fatemeh Rahmatinejad, and Saeid Eslami
Outcomes and resource utilisation of patients presented to the emergency department with opioid and benzodiazepine poisoning, Christine Ramdin, Michael Makutonin, Lewis S. Nelson, Andrew C. Meltzer, and Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi
Improving Sepsis Outcomes in the Era of Pay-for-Performance and Electronic Quality Measures: A Joint IDSA/ACEP/PIDS/SHEA/SHM/SIDP Position Paper, Chanu Rhee, Jeffrey R. Strich, Kathleen Chiotos, David C. Classen, Sara E. Cosgrove, Ron Greeno, Emily L. Heil, Sameer S. Kadri, Andre C. Kalil, David N. Gilbert, Henry Masur, Edward J. Septimus, Daniel A. Sweeney, Aisha Terry, Dean L. Winslow, Donald M. Yealy, and Michael Klompas
Accelerating the development of vaccine microarray patches for epidemic response and equitable immunization coverage requires investment in microarray patch manufacturing facilities, Tiziana Scarnà, Marion Menozzi-Arnaud, Martin Friede, Kerry DeMarco, George Plopper, Melinda Hamer, Ajoy Chakrabarti, Philippe Alexandre Gilbert, Courtney Jarrahian, Jessica Mistilis, Renske Hesselink, Kristoffer Gandrup-Marino, Jean-Pierre Amorij, and Birgitte Giersing
Multi-center analysis of point-of-care ultrasound for small bowel obstruction: A systematic review and individual patient-level meta-analysis, Hamid Shokoohi, Katherine Dickerson Mayes, Gary D. Peksa, Michael A. Loesche, Brent A. Becker, Keith S. Boniface, Shadi Lahham, Timothy B. Jang, Michael Secko, and Michael Gottlieb
A National Survey of Hospital Cyber Attack Emergency Operation Preparedness, Natalie Sullivan, Jeffery Tully, Christian Dameff, Chibuzo Opara, Mackenzie Snead, and Jordan Selzer
Exposure to a Virtual Reality Mass-Casualty Simulation Elicits a Differential Sympathetic Response in Medical Trainees and Attending Physicians, Matthew A. Tovar, James A. Zebley, Mairead Higgins, Aalap Herur-Raman, Catherine H. Zwemer, Ayal Z. Pierce, Claudia Ranniger, Babak Sarani, and James P. Phillips
Patient care during interfacility transport: a narrative review of managing diverse disease states, Quincy K. Tran, Francis O'Connell, Andrew Hakopian, Marwa Sh Abrahim, Kamilla Beisenova, and Ali Pourmand
The Chief Wellness Officer: A long overdue catalyst for systemic change in Emergency Medicine, Shabana Walia, Kristen E. Nordenholz, Diann Krywko, Jeffrey G. Norvell, Keia Vr Hewitt, Katerina Tsapos Parmele, Randall M. Levin, Joseph Kennedy, and Rita A. Manfredi
The 2023 Model Core Content of Disaster Medicine, Bryan J. Wexler, Carl Schultz, Paul D. Biddinger, Gregory Ciottone, Angela Cornelius, Robert Fuller, Roxanna Lefort, Andrew Milsten, James Phillips, and Ira Nemeth