Mission Statement:
The George Washington University Department of Emergency Medicine’s section on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is committed to developing, nurturing, and celebrating a rich and inclusive culture of diversity among our staff, residents, students, and patients. We strive to combat inequity and promote social justice through continuous education, dialogue, and continuous review of the department. We believe that by addressing the impacts of implicit and explicit bias, while perpetuating a welcoming environment, we will further enhance our department’s exceptional patient care.
The 4 pillars of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion section are:
- Culture and Allyship
- Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Education
- Faculty and resident development recruitment and retention
- Scholarship
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Damali Nakitende
Section Chair
Assistant Professor

Sonal Batra
Associate Professor

Janice Blanchard

Keith Boniface
Chief, Section of Emergency Ultrasound

Amy Caggiula
Assistant Professor

Marcus Davis
Assistant Professor

Steven Davis
Associate Professor

Sarah Frasure
Associate Professor

Lia Losonczy
Assistant Professor

Raymond Lucas

Tenagne Haile-Mariam
Associate Professor

Ali Pourmand
Associate Site Director, UMC

Natasha Powell
Associate Professor

Colleen Roche
Associate Professor

James Scott

Robert Shesser

Larissa Unruh
Research Instructor

Marcee Wilder
Assistant Professor
Rita Manfredi
Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine
Please contact DEI for more information at emeddeiadmin@mfa.gwu.edu
DEI Bibliography
- Lewiss RE, Ogle KY, Freund Y. Equity: European Journal of Emergency Medicine reflects forward. Eur J Emerg Med. 2020;27(2):77–78. PMID: 32101957
- Lewis JF, Zeger SL, Li X, Mann NC, Newgard CD, Haynes S, Wood SF, Dai M, Simon AE, McCarthy ML. Gender Differences in the Quality of EMS Care Nationwide for Chest Pain and Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Women’s Heal Issues. 2019;29(2):116–124. PMID: 30545703
- Kaji AH, Meurer WJ, Napper T, Nigrovic LE, Mower WR, Schriger DL, Cooper RJ, Force A of EMDT, Houry DE, Delbridge TR, DeLorenzo RA, McCarthy ML, Schenkel S. State of the Journal: Women First Authors, Peer Reviewers, and Editorial Board Members at Annals of Emergency Medicine. Ann Emerg Med. 2019;74(6):731–735. PMID: 31280922
- Blanchard J, Hosek S. Financing Health Care for Women with Disabilities. RAND. 2003;
- Blanchard J, Hosek S. Financing Health Care for Women with Disabilities. RAND. 2003;
- Marcinkowski B, Caggiula A, Tran BN, Tran QK, Pourmand A. Sex trafficking screening and intervention in the emergency department: A scoping review. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2022;3(1):e12638. PMCID: PMC8760950
- Whiteside T, Frasure SE, Ogle K, Pourmand A. Barriers to Breastfeeding for Emergency Medicine Physicians in the Emergency Department. Am J Emerg Medicine. 2019;38(4):158494. PMID: 31740091
- Batra S, Orban J, Zhang H, Guterbock TM, Butler LA, Bogucki C, Chen C. Analysis of Social Mission Commitment at Dental, Medical, and Nursing Schools in the US. Jama Netw Open. 2022;5(5):e2210900. PMCID: PMC9086841
- Blanchard JC. Discrimination and Health Care Utilization. Rand. 2006;
- Blanchard J, Haile-Mariam T, Powell NN, Terry A, Fair M, Wilder M, Nakitende D, Lucas J, Davis GL, Haywood Y. For Us, COVID-19 Is Personal. Acad Emerg Med. 2020;27(7):642–643. PMCID: PMC7276752
- Lucas RH, Dandar V. Importance of Mentoring on Workplace Engagement of Emergency Medicine Faculty: A Multi-institutional Study. West J Emerg Medicine Integrating Emerg Care Popul Heal. 2021;22(3):653–659. PMCID: PMC8203009
- Lucas R, Kothari P, Adams C, Jones L, Williams VN, Sánchez JP. We are All Leaders: Introducing Self-Leadership Concepts Through the Lens of Improving Diversity in the Health Care Workforce. Mededportal. 2020;16:11011. PMCID: PMC7666830
- Weygandt PL, Losonczy LI, Schneider EB, Kisat MT, Licatino LK, Cornwell EE, Haut ER, Efron DT, Haider AH. Disparities in mortality after blunt injury: Does insurance type matter? J Surg Res. 2012;177(2):288–294. PMCID: PMC3989534
- Craine P, Losonczy L. Reflection: A Consensus to Intervene—Creating a Social Emergency Medicine Playbook. Ann Emerg Med. 2019;74(5):S59–S61. PMID: 31655679
- Losonczy LI, Weygandt PL, Villegas CV, Hall EC, Schneider EB, Cooper LA, III EEC, Haut ER, Efron DT, Haider AH. The Severity of Disparity: Increasing Injury Intensity Accentuates Disparate Outcomes Following Trauma. J Health Care Poor U. 2014;25(1):308–320. PMCID: PMC6017993
- Haider AH, Schneider EB, Sriram N, Dossick DS, Scott VK, Swoboda SM, Losonczy L, Haut ER, Efron DT, Pronovost PJ, Freischlag JA, Lipsett PA, Cornwell EE, MacKenzie EJ, Cooper LA. Unconscious race and class bias. J Trauma Acute Care. 2014;77(3):409–416. PMID: 25159243
- Haider AH, Schneider EB, Sriram N, Dossick DS, Scott VK, Swoboda SM, Losonczy L, Haut ER, Efron DT, Pronovost PJ, Lipsett PA, Cornwell EE, MacKenzie EJ, Cooper LA, Freischlag JA. Unconscious Race and Social Class Bias Among Acute Care Surgical Clinicians and Clinical Treatment Decisions. Jama Surg. 2015;150(5):457–464. PMID: 25786199
- Pittman P, Chen C, Erikson C, Salsberg E, Luo Q, Vichare A, Batra S, Burke G. Health Workforce for Health Equity. Med Care. 2021;59(Suppl 5):S405–S408. PMCID: PMC8428843
- Batra S, Orban J, Guterbock TM, Butler LA, Mullan F. Social Mission Metrics: Developing a Survey to Guide Health Professions Schools. Acad Med. 2020;95(12):1811–1816. PMCID: PMC7678650
- Orban J, Xue C, Raichur S, Misak M, Nobles A, Casimir J, Batra S. The Scope of Social Mission Content in Health Professions Education Accreditation Standards. Acad Med. 2022;97(1):111–120. PMID: 34618736
- Batra S, Orban J, Raichur S, Jennings N, Trivedi C, Naik N, Bogucki C, Haywood Y. Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic With Medical School Diversity Pathway Programs. Jama Netw Open. 2022;5(8):e2229086. PMCID: PMC9425144
- Mortman R, Frazier HA, Haywood YC. Diversity and Inclusion on General Surgery, Integrated Thoracic Surgery, and Integrated Vascular Surgery Residency Program Websites. J Graduate Medical Educ. 2021;13(3):345–348. PMCID: PMC8207933
- Covelli AF, Mahoney AD, Batra S, Beard KV, Campbell LA, Pittman P (Polly). Driving toward a culture shift: Case studies of social mission in nursing education. J Prof Nurs. 2022;42:225–230. PMID: 36150865
- Unruh LH, Dharmapuri S, Xia Y, Soyemi K. Health disparities and COVID-19: A retrospective study examining individual and community factors causing disproportionate COVID-19 outcomes in Cook County, Illinois. Plos One. 2022;17(5):e0268317. PMCID: PMC9109922
- Blanchard JC, Haywood Y, Stein BD, Tanielian TL, Stoto M, Lurie N. In Their Own Words: Lessons Learned From Those Exposed to Anthrax. Am J Public Health. 2005;95(3):489–495. PMCID: PMC1449207
- Mullan F, Frehywot S, Omaswa F, Buch E, Chen C, Greysen SR, Wassermann T, Abubakr DEE, Awases M, Boelen C, Diomande MJ-MI, Dovlo D, Ferro J, Haileamlak A, Iputo J, Jacobs M, Koumaré AK, Mipando M, Monekosso GL, Olapade-Olaopa EO, Rugarabamu P, Sewankambo NK, Ross H, Ayas H, Chale SB, Cyprien S, Cohen J, Haile-Mariam T, Hamburger E, Jolley L, Kolars JC, Kombe G, Neusy A-J. Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet. 2011;377(9771):1113–1121. PMID: 21074256
- Mullan F, Frehywot S, Omaswa F, Buch E, Chen C, Greysen SR, Wassermann T, Abubakr DEE, Awases M, Boelen C, Diomande MJ-MI, Dovlo D, Ferro J, Haileamlak A, Iputo J, Jacobs M, Koumaré AK, Mipando M, Monekosso GL, Olapade-Olaopa EO, Rugarabamu P, Sewankambo NK, Ross H, Ayas H, Chale SB, Cyprien S, Cohen J, Haile-Mariam T, Hamburger E, Jolley L, Kolars JC, Kombe G, Neusy A-J. Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet. 2011;377(9771):1113–1121. PMID: 21074256
- Samuels EA, Boatright D, Sanchez LD, Heron SL, Liferidge AT, Wilson T, Pierce A, Landry A, Moreno-Walton L, Druck J, Moll J, Lopez BL. Clinical Vignettes Inadequate to Assess Impact of Implicit Bias: Concerning Limitations of a Systematic Review. Acad Emerg Med. 2017;24(12):1531–1532. PMID: 28981996
- Wescott S, Johnson R, Lamba S, Olson D, Haywood Y, Meltzer CC, Correa R. Feasibility of an Assessment Tool as a Data-Driven Approach to Reducing Racial Bias in Biomedical Publications. J Med Syst. 2022;46(1):10. PMCID: PMC8682034
- Wilder ME, Richardson LD, Hoffman RS, Winkel G, Manini AF. Racial disparities in the treatment of acute overdose in the emergency department. Clin Toxicol. 2018;56(12):1173–1178. PMCID: PMC6318059
- Schwartz L, Luban N, Hall A, McQuail D, Haywood Y. The mentored experience to enhance opportunities in research (METEOR) program. Med Educ Online. 2022;27(1):2014290. PMCID: PMC8667881
- Baker RB, Washington HA, Olakanmi O, Savitt TL, Jacobs EA, Hoover E, Wynia MK, Profession WG on the H of AA and the M, Blanchard J, Boulware LE, Braddock C, Corbie-Smith G, Crawley L, LaVeist TA, Maxey R, Mills C, Moseley KL, Williams DR. Creating a Segregated Medical Profession: African American Physicians and Organized Medicine, 1846-1910. J Natl Med Assoc. 2009;101(6):501–512. PMID: 19585918
- Blanchard J, Lurie N. R-E-S-P-E-C-T: patient reports of disrespect in the health care setting and its impact on care. J Fam Pract. 2004;53(9):721–30. PMID: 15353162
- Washington HA, Baker RB, Olakanmi O, Savitt TL, Jacobs EA, Hoover E, Wynia MK, Profession WG on the H of AA and the M, Blanchard J, Boulware LE, Braddock C, Corbie-Smith G, Crawley L, LaVeist TA, Maxey R, Mills C, Moseley KL, Williams DR. Segregation, Civil Rights, and Health Disparities: The Legacy of African American Physicians and Organized Medicine, 1910-1968. J Natl Med Assoc. 2009;101(6):513–527. PMID: 19585919
- Chandra A, Blanchard JC, Ruder T. District of Columbia Community Health Needs Assessment. Rand Heal Q. 2013;3(3):9. PMCID: PMC5051992
- Blanchard J, Nayar S, Lurie N. Patient–Provider and Patient–Staff Racial Concordance and Perceptions of Mistreatment in the Health Care Setting. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22(8):1184–1189. PMCID: PMC2305737
- Blanchard JC, Haywood YC, Scott C. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health: An Emergency Medicine Perspective. Acad Emerg Med. 2003;10(11):1289–1293. PMID: 14597507
- Blanchard AK, Blanchard JC, Suah A, Dade A, Burnett A, McDade W. Reflect and Reset: Black Academic Voices Call the Graduate Medical Education Community to Action. Acad Med. 2022;97(7):967–972. PMCID: PMC9232243
- Haile-Mariam T, Nakitende D, Wilder M, Omorogbe A, Haywood Y, Terry A, Powell NN, Blanchard J. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s victory is our own. Acad Emerg Med. 2022;29(8):1040–1041. PMID: 35490340
Social Determinants of Health:
- Kulie P, Steinmetz E, Johnson S, McCarthy ML. A health-related social needs referral program for Medicaid beneficiaries treated in an emergency department. Am J Emerg Medicine. 2021;47:119–124. PMID: 33799141
- Cai CX, Li Y, Zeger SL, McCarthy ML. Social determinants of health impacting adherence to diabetic retinopathy examinations. Bmj Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021;9(1):e002374. PMCID: PMC8479983
- Blanchard J, Ogle K, Thomas O, Lung D, Asplin B, Lurie N. Access to Appointments Based on Insurance Status in Washington, D.C. J Health Care Poor U. 2008;19(3):687–696. PMID: 18677065
- Lurie N, Gresenz C, Blanchard J, Chandra A, Wynn B, Morganti KG, Ruder T, Price A, Sickler D, Norton B, Jones K, Regenstein M, Siegel B. Assessing Health and Health Care in the District of Columbia: Phase 2 Report. 2008;
- Gresenz CR, Blanchard JC, Lurie N. Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Year of Montgomery Cares. RAND. 2007;
- Gresenz CR, Blanchard JC, Ruder T, Craddock S, Lurie N. Serving the Underserved: A Mid-Course Evaluation of Montgomery Cares. RAND. 2009;
- Chandra A, Blanchard JC, Ruder T. District of Columbia Community Health Needs Assessment. RAND. 2013;
- Chandra A, Gresenz CR, Blanchard JC, Cuellar AE, Ruder T, Chen AY, Gillen EM. Health and Health Care Among District of Columbia Youth. RAND. 2009;
- Lurie N, Harris KM, Shih RA, Ruder T, Price A, Martin LG, Acosta J, Blanchard JC. Assessing Health and Health Care in Prince George’s County. RAND. 2009;
- Blanchard JC. Children’s Health in Washington, D.C. Access and Health Challenges Despite High Insurance Coverage Rates. RAND. 2009;
- Price RA, Blanchard JC, Harris R, Ruder T, Gresenz CR. Monitoring Cancer Outcomes Across the Continuum: Data Synthesis and Analysis for the District of Columbia. RAND. 2012;
- Kranz AM, Chandra A, Madrigano J, Ruder T, Gahlon G, Blanchard JC, King CJ. Assessing Health and Human Services Needs to Support an Integrated Health in All Policies Plan for Prince George’s County, Maryland. Rand Heal Q. 2022;9(3):11. PMCID: PMC9242576
- Wilder ME, Zheng Z, Zeger SL, Elmi A, Katz RJ, Li Y, Mccarthy ML. Relationship Between Social Determinants of Health and Antihypertensive Medication Adherence in a Medicaid Cohort. Circulation Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2022;15(2):e008150. PMCID: PMC8847233
- MCCARTHY ML, LI Y, ELMI A, WILDER ME, ZHENG Z, ZEGER SL. Social Determinants of Health Influence Future Health Care Costs in the Medicaid Cohort of the District of Columbia Study. Milbank Q. 2022;100(3):761–784. PMID: 36134645
- McCarthy ML, Zheng Z, Wilder ME, Elmi A, Kulie P, Johnson S, Zeger SL. Latent Class Analysis to Represent Social Determinant of Health Risk Groups in the Medicaid Cohort of the District of Columbia. Med Care. 2021;59(3):251–258. PMCID: PMC7878329
- McCarthy ML, Zheng Z, Wilder ME, Elmi A, Li Y, Zeger SL. The Influence of Social Determinants of Health on Emergency Departments Visits in a Medicaid Sample. Ann Emerg Med. 2021;77(5):511–522. PMCID: PMC9228973
- Wilder ME, Kulie P, Jensen C, Levett P, Blanchard J, Dominguez LW, Portela M, Srivastava A, Li Y, McCarthy ML. The Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Medication Adherence: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2021;36(5):1359–1370. PMCID: PMC8131473