Welcome to the website of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the George Washington University.

The Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM) at the George Washington University is the seventh full academic Department of Emergency Medicine in the United States. Since 1979, DEM faculty have worked to expand the scope of EM practice, teaching, and research. We have developed an extensive series of educational and consulting activities described in this site that literally span the globe.
The DEM provides physician and APP staffing for four regional emergency departments, three ambulatory centers, and has a broad range of academic and consulting activities. The Department is divided into Interest Sections to organize our academic focus. These are:
- Clinical Research
- Critical Care
- Educational Methodology
- EM Administration/Operations Research
- Disaster and Operational Medicine
- Emergency Ultrasound
- Family Medicine
- Health Equity
- Health Policy
- Injury Prevention and Toxicology
- Innovative Practice and Telehealth
- International Emergency Medicine
In addition to our undergraduate medical education and EM residency programs, we offer nine post-residency fellowships. Consulting activities include a large and growing special events practice, a number of innovative telehealth programs, on-line maritime medical consultation, growing occupational medicine efforts, tactical medical support programs, and base operations support for the US military. As part of an academic multispecialty group practice, we actively collaborate with colleagues in other specialties to make the transition from volume to value. Our growing Section of Family Medicine provides additional expertise for community-based programs in support of our educational and social missions.
We look forward to the continuing growth and development of all our programs and hope that we can continue to make contributions to societal well-being through direct clinical care, teaching, research, and consulting.
Robert Shesser, M.D.
Professor & Chair